One’s a supermodel, a Miss VietNam 08 runner-up, and an aspiring singer, while the other’s already a singer–and a vocally powerful one at that. Yes, I am referring to our VietNamese representive for Miss Universe 09–Vo Hoang Yen– and our beloved teen singer, Toc Tien who, for the time being, is currently back in VietNam (although she will soon be returning back to the states for school).

Two very different people, one same shiny little dress.

toc tien & wanbi tuan anh

Wanbi & Toc Tien finally reunited at the Co Long Online game premiere, where Wanbi & Mimi (his little sister) are spokespeople.

toc tien (2)

vo hoang yen

After not being able to place in the Miss Universe's Top 15 list, Yen, unaffectedly, is right back at it again with what she had always been better at--striking a pose.

vo hoang yen (2)

vo hoang yen (3)